Vitaliy Kostiuk

Hello! My name is Vitaliy Kostiuk and I`m a JS Front-End Developer from Lviv, Ukraine flag Ukraine

My skills

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Java Script

  • Git

  • GitHub


  • Resume Anton Chornyi

    resume anton chornyi

    Homework on frontend courses. I use only HTML & CSS

  • Quiz


    This is a simple quiz using JS

  • Slider


    Simple slider using JS

  • To Do List

    to do list

    This website allows you to add tasks that you need to complete and mark completed ones. Local storage is used to store the tasks after updating the website.

  • Sending Messages To TG

    sending messages to telegram

    This project was executed to showcase my skills and abilities. The Axios library, Telegram API, and Bootstrap were used.

Get in touch